Cheerleader of the Year 2005

Cheerleader of The Year 2005
Congratulations to Lauren Wilson, who has been chosen as
Cheerleader of the Year 2005.
Lauren   Lauren

Lauren has been cheering with JC PomPoms since we started in September 2004 and from this date, has proved to be a fabulous cheerleader. Lauren is 100% committed to JC PomPoms and works extremely hard at every single class. Lauren is so advanced for her age, partly due to her level of dedication. Lauren is a fantastic person and is extremely valuable to JC PomPoms.
Every single aspect of Lauren's cheerleading is fantastic, however she continues to improve and we are sure in years to come she could be representing Scotland. What can we say? Lauren is a fantastic asset to JC PomPoms.

Lauren, congratulations, you have been an absolute treasure to all of us over the past year, your attendance is perfect and we could never imagine a PeeWee squad without you!

You are a shining star and we all adore you, Keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks and congratulations to the Wilson family. We really do appreciate all of your hard work and efforts over this year.